As the newly elected Student Body President, I plan on working with my Executive Board on a number of issues that directly pertain to the student body and the Quinnipiac community as a whole. First, we must recognize the needs of the community. As mentioned in earlier news, the Student Government Association is diligently working on preserving the tradition to keep commencement ceremonies on the quadrangle. This is a very serious matter that the Student Government is currently working on and will continue to work on during my time as President.
The incoming Executive Board will also work on matters that pertain to the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the accommodation of student office space, and the growth of the university and its effect on the community. As Student Body President, it is my job to protect the best interests of the students. I will work close with students and student organizations in order to accurately depict the student voice. It is our goal as an executive board to attend every organization’s meetings at least once per semester. Moreover, to bring a better sense of communication between the Student Government and the students, the incoming Executive Board will evaluate ways in which the Student Government can better survey students on their daily needs.
On behalf of the new Executive Board, it is my pleasure to let you know that we are honored and excited to serve you.
Live the Legend,
Louis Venturelli
SGA President-Elect
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