Quinnipiac Security confirmed that there will be no shuttles running into New Haven tonight except for the express to Union Station due to students moving out for Thanksgiving break.
According to Assistant Chief of Security Edgar Rodriguez, this information has been available on MyQ since Nov. 7, and in the last five years shuttles have never run to New Haven on the Thursday and Friday night before break.
This has many students upset, especially those attending Barstool Sports Blackout Tour at Toad’s tonight.
“This is not because we don’t want to provide a shuttle, it’s simply because it’s move out. This is the first time we’ve ever had any complaints,” Rodriguez said.
Junior Allison Juckett said she felt students expected to ride Quinnipiac’s shuttles to New Haven to go to Toad’s for the Blackout Tour.
“The shuttles keep students from drinking and driving,” Juckett said. “I think Security should have taken that into account before being inconsistent with a service we all rely on.”
Rodriguez said that security is aware of this issue and advises that students be extra careful by either taking a cab or assigning a designated driver.
QPacProblems on Twitter writes, “You wanna cancel my shuttle? It’s ok, I’ll just get twice as drunk and be sure to throw up at Security’s door when I get back!”