For the second time this school year, Quinnipiac University’s popular Involvement Fair will host over 70 of the campus’ clubs and organizations given the opportunity to showcase themselves and recruit more members. The free event will be located in the Burt Kahn Court of the Recreation Center from 4 to 6 p.m.
In addition to the clubs that participated in the Involvement Fair at the beginning of the fall semester, four new groups have been invited to participate. These four organizations, English Club, IDD Club (based on the major), QU M.U.S.I.C, and The Ultimate Frisbee Club were begun over the course of last semester.
Groups ranging in missions of Greek Life, Spiritual and Community Service Groups, Cultural and Ethnic Groups, Arts Groups, Media Groups, Special Interest and Hobby Clubs, Political and Social Issues, Governing and Programming Boards, and Academic Clubs and Honorary Groups will be making return appearances.
Courtney McKenna, assistant director of the Student Center and Student Leadership Development, coordinates the Involvement Fair.
“It’s really two-fold,” McKenna said. “Student groups do get good membership and it’s a good time for students to sign up for as many clubs as they are interested in and to see what time and club fits with their schedule.”
Freshman Caitlin Fitzpatrick is looking forward to the Involvement Fair, especially because of sororities.
“We will have to rush all three sororities, so I’m really looking forward to going to the fair to find out more about all of them,” Fitzpatrick said.
According to McKenna, they hold this spring semester Involvement Fair particularly for new students or transfer students looking to get involved.
“I think we’ll get a good turn out,” McKenna said. “A lot of students find their niche initially, but there are some who may still be looking for one that fits.”