Everyone always talks about standing up for what you believe in and giving a voice to those who can’t speak for themselves. However, in reality, how many of us actually do this? Do we really take advantage of every situation we are faced with to be the “hero” or the “good samaritan?” The unfortunate answer to those questions is no. Some of us may ignore a situation in which we could be the bigger person for fear of being embarassed or ridiculed. Others may feel that even if htey do stand up for someone it wouldn’t make a difference because one voice can’t change anything. However, that statement is very untrue as we came to learn during last weeks QUnity Week. When 200 students chose to be silent for an entire day, the whole school heard their message. The Silence For Oppression marchers acted out against diversity and hatred and I applaud them for their efforts; I only wish I myself decided to take a stand and march alongside them but fear of embarrassment kept me away. I completely support speaking up for what you believe in even though I may not always do so. The 200 students who silenced themselves in order to make a statement about oppression took a stand regardless of what others may have thought. These students used their individual voices to speak out against the way our community functions.If more people need to speak out for their beliefs and ideas as these students did then I believe that our world would be in much better condition than it is now.
Kayla Coogan