As night falls upon Quinnipiac University, some students begin to come down with cabin fever. Aside from the occasional parties on campus and the night life of New Haven, it can get a little dull around the dorms on Friday and Saturday nights. One way of resolving this issue is to enter the club every student at Quinnipiac should know about- QU After Dark. The student run activity board is responsible for many fun, successful events here on campus.
QU After Dark was originally started by graduate students, but through the years Quinnipiac students became involved. The club was initiated to give students another outlet, instead of the alcohol partying scene during the weekends. QUAD started with three students, but today there are between 20 to 25 students involved- an impressive increase from the previous years. Last year, QUAD really started gaining popularity in numbers. According to graduate student Carly Matichak, last fall was when things really started to turn around for the club.
QUAD consists of the two graduate assistants, Carly Matichak and Dan Fox. There is a main event coordinator, who is in charge of planning all the events as well as run the public relations and marketing department for the club. QUAD also has a secretary and a treasurer. The other event coordinators are in charge of a particular team, and every week the teams meet to discuss upcoming events.
One of the upcoming events QUAD is holding is Speed Dating. The event was supposed to take place last weekend, however it will now take place on October 3rd. This particular speed dating event is called, “Got Game” and will not only feature the typical speed dating, but familiar board games such as Apples to Apples, Twister and Checkers. The following Saturday night, QU After Dark will host an 80s flash dance party in Alumni Hall. It will be a raging dance party complete with 80s decorations, music and candy from the decade. There will also be a best dressed contest for both males and females, so get creative!
QU After Dark is a student run organization open to any student that is dedicated to making Quinnipiac University a safe, fun environment for students. Next time you don’t feel like going out into busy New Haven or risk getting caught in the dorms, QU After Dark has just the ticket for a fun filled weekend for you and your friends.
Upclose with QUAD
October 1, 2008
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