On behalf of the Student Government Association, I’d like to say welcome. Welcome to the start of a new year. Welcome back, or if this is your first year, welcome for the first time. This is the first of what should be a weekly editorial from the Student Government Association. The editorial will be a chance for me to speak on any topic or issue the student government is facing or that the student body would like to hear about.
We start this year, as every other, with the greatest potential to impact and change this University for the better. I ask, as the workload and routine is beginning to set in, that you always strive to do more and to experience all you can.
Let us make this University our home. Let us make Quinnipiac our community; one that is prideful and passionate, questioning and sincere, and always seeking to be better. Let us take advantage of the time that lies before us and not waste any bit of the amazing memory that will be our Quinnipiac experience. Understand that united we are Bobcats, all of us.
I’ve always believed that the student voice is the loudest on this campus. It is the purpose of your Student Government Association to make sure that voice is heard. Throughout this year I hope we can truly work together to make sure our needs are met and our time here is the best it can be.
Until next issue,
Live the Legend,
Sean Geary – President, Student Government Association