Quinnipiac’s Latino Cultural Society held “Que Comience la Fiesta,” a Latin dance fest on Saturday, March 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. that featured professional dance groups, food, music and a performance by LCS’s own dance group. Above, dancers from Piel Canela Dance Company, who traveled from New York, showcase their salsa techniques. The event also included dancers such as Alisa Bowens from Alisa’s House of Salsa, La Hermandad de Sigma lota Alpha, a sorority from the University of New Hampshire, Eric Turcio, a student from QU Ballroom Society and even QU part-time professor Covadonga Arango-Martin. The LCS also brought in comedian Alex Ortiz to entertain the audience. According to Daniela DeSousa, co-president of LCS, the event was a huge success, with about 230 people in attendance. Although the majority of the event was dancing, the participants also explained the origins of all the dances so everyone could grasp the richness of their culture.