Quinnipiac University students are known for their apathetic tendencies and lack of interest in, well, everything. After the recent cancellation of the annual Spring Involvement Fair, though, I’ve begun to question if only the students should be blamed for their lazy ways.
According to an e-mail sent to student leaders from Erin Twomey, associate director of the student center and campus life, on Feb. 2: “Due to the inclement weather and the closing of the university today, the Spring 2011 Involvement Fair has been canceled. It will not be rescheduled. Thank you to all who had signed up to participate & helped to coordinate this event.”
Well gee, it’s really nice the student center wants to thank the organizations that were prepared to participate in the involvement fair, but what about the students who wanted to attend? Do we just say “Oh well, they can wait until the fall to learn about organizations?” The involvement fair provides students with an irreplaceable starting point to learn about clubs they probably didn’t even know existed.
I certainly am not trying to make excuses for any of the lackadaisical ways of many Quinnipiac students, but I don’t understand how we can expect our students to change when even our own staff (the student center) aren’t promoting one of the only events regarding campus involvement.
Furthermore, I can understand if the student center needs to cancel the fair due to bad weather. Rescheduling may conflict with available space on campus, but they should have at least sent out an e-mail with information about the organizations.
For students who don’t know, and want to know, the upstairs hallway of the Carl Hansen Student Center is the best place to look for information regarding organizations on campus and many of the clubs have offices located there as well (at least until spring break).
On behalf of the Chronicle, I can say our door is always open. We’re constantly looking for more writers and photographers, so if you’re ever interested in contributing to the paper please feel free to stop in at the office. I’m sure any of the organizations would be glad to speak with interested students who visit their office. The doors in the hallway are open more often than not, and there is constant activity.
Don’t hesitate to come check it out.