ollege life consists of many things. They include: going to classes, going to parties, just hanging out with friends in your room, and lots of hard work. But, one of the many things about college is getting involved. Students do this by getting involved in the various organizations throughout campus. Quinnipiac has everything from religious organizations such as Hillel, to career based clubs such as the PT club. These organizations hold many events throughout the year. But where do they get their money? The money comes from fundraisers that the organization sponsors throughout the year, but some money also comes from the Student Government (SGA).
“The students used to have to pay a set fee of $70 for student activities. But that has been done away with,” said Sara DeMayo, the vice president of finance. “SGA is now giving a certain amount of the five hundred thousand dollars to each organization.”
The money that is given to the organizations is not based on how popular the organizations are, or how many people are in them. There is a certain process that each organization must go through in order to receive money from SGA.
The SGA first sets up a finance committee. The vice president of finance heads this committee. All organizations that are trying to get money from SGA will inevitably stand in front of this committee.
The organizations have to submit a budget. This budget will consist of how much money the president of that organization think that they will need through out the year.
The finance committee will look at these submissions in the order that they are given in.
“We will look at them on a first come, first serve basis. The committee and I will then review these budgets and decided how much to give each organization,” said DeMayo.
This will all occur during a weekend that SGA calls “Budget Weekend,” which always takes place in April.
If an organization feels that not enough money was given to them by the finance committee, then the organization will have a chance to appeal in front of the entire SGA at one of their monthly meetings. If SGA feels that the organization’s argument for more money is strong enough, they will add money into their budget.
There are also many things that the finance committee has to look for when giving an organization money for their budget. They have to make sure that the club is eligible. To be eligible, the organization must either be chartered or recognized. They must also make sure that the organization budget does not violate any rules of the financial policy.
“SGA will fund only one event involving food. Hillel is an exception because most of the major holidays are food oriented,” said De Mayo. ” SGA also will not give out money for the purchase of T-shirts. If we give one organization money for t-shirts, then all the organizations will want money for them. Then, half the budget will just go to getting t-shirts.”
The breakdown of money from the SGA goes as follows: Hillel- $4,132.50; WISH- $3,605.25; Chronicle- $19,759.50; HMA- $427.50; QSNA- $1,875.30; GLASS- $6,428.75; Dance Company- $ 1,106.75; ASPA- $ 1,087.75; QUTV- $332.50; Adventures Unlimited- $3,491.25; Montage- $2,375.00; Marketing Club- $ 285.00; BSU- $6,712.26; CAP- $9,792.00; Gameroom- $3,774.35; Christian Fellowship- 1,985.50; Sociology/Gerontology- $940.50; WQAQ- $15,355.53; Theatre Workshop- $3,800.00; PT Club- $1,349.00; Special Athletics- $1,214.88; Brave- $1,7884.14; Economics/finance- $1,330.00; International Club- $1,572.25; SADD- $2.774.00; TREE- $1,159.00; LCS- $9,436.50; Student Awareness Committee- $7,000.00; Public Relations- $40,390.20; Social Programming Board- $140,778.00; May Weekend- $120,802.50
SGA also gives money to each class. Each class receives $3.50 cents for full time students attending the University. The freshman class receives $6,107.50; the sophomore class receives $4,637.50; the junior class receives $3,689.00; and the senior class receives $3,808.00. 5% of the budget is also put into a contingency fund.
Finance committee allocates organization’s budgets
October 3, 2001
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