The campaign race for student government positions have finally been decided. The positions that were filled are Freshman President, Freshman Vice-President, and eight elected representatives.
The members that won these elections will take their place in the student government. The elected freshman will attend the monthly SGA meeting, as well as having two meetings of their own each month.
These students will also be in charge of raising money and keeping track of their own budget. The freshman Budget this year is $6,107, according to Mike O’Neill, the vice president of public relations of the student government association. Now lets meet our winners: Dennis Kisyk has been elected the Freshman Class President. In high school, Kisyk was not only an active member of the student government but he was also the class president. He not only helped many of his fellow students by creating an open door policy between teachers and students, but he also raised over $35,000 through fundraising.
” I will use these abilities to help create an outstanding experience at Quinnipaic. I learned how to bring about change and be a team player,” said Kisyk.
Kisyk feels that he has the dedication, respect and leadership to lead his class to a fun and productive year.
Vice President, Lin Standstedt, has six years of student government under her belt, and can’t wait for this year to kick off. Standstedt is very self motivated, determined, focused and hard working.
“Through each year of experience I have learned what contributions in order to make the group an ultimate success,” said Standstedt.
Standstedt also has many goals that she wants to obtain.
“The first step in anything is communication,” said Standstedt, “Quinnipiac is new to everyone one and I want to make it easier. I want this year to be a lot of fun for everyone.”
She also has some interesting proposals about the parking issues on campus.
“We (freshman) are at a disadvantage this year, because we aren’t allowed to have cars on campus. I want to try to help the parking issues so this won’t happen again next year,” said Sandstedt.
The election for student representatives filled eight slots in SGA.
New representative Kristin Vidile, promises not to make any promises that can’t be kept. Vidile is the former president of her honor society, student government social chairperson and captain of varsity volleyball.
Three-time high school class president Brendan Roane, organized several fund raising events. He believes the quality of leadership has also filled a representative slot.
Representative-elect Alison Castardi plans to coordinate and publicize class events as well as listening to the ideas of the freshman class. Castardi plans to work with class officers to make the freshman year memorable.
Pelham, N.H. resident Lianna Hartford plans to bring her goal-oriented, enthusiastic nature, along with her fund raising skills to the position.
Michelle Cote is bringing the experience of being vice president of her student-body and a sense of honesty to the office.
Victoria Backus was also on her student government in high school and is looking forward to working with her fellow classmates. “I will do my best to work with my grade and look out for my fellow classmates,” said Backus.
Meghan Tammany also has a lot of experience and is looking forward to using that experience to help her classmates.
Lastly, Adrianna Palella, was also elected as a representative.
“I want my fellow freshman to come to me with concerns. I want to be their friend and I want everyone to be involved,” said Palella. “I want their voices to be heard.”
These elected representatives and the rest of SGA left for a retreat at Camp Jewel in Cold Brook, CT, to discuss issues that the student government will deal with and to introduce these students to their newly held responsibilities.
506 students voted out of a possible 1,569.
Results of Student Government elections
September 20, 2001
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