There is more to college than simply striving for a 4.0 and earning scholarships. College is about finding one’s identity, not only academically and intellectually, but socially as well. Michael Miller, the Director of the Carl Hansen Student Center, states that, “students need to realize how important their college years are.” Like so many individuals on the Quinnipiac University staff, Miller strives to give students the opportunity to explore their passions and interests, so that they can discover their identities.
Miller has an extremely extensive background. He graduated from Fairfield University, majoring in English and minoring in secondary education. At Fairfield, Miller was an active member in various student activities. Aside from being the President of the Student Government, Miller also took on other leadership roles such as that of a campus tour guide, a resident advisor, and an orientation leader. He was also involved in theater and radio.
Miller initially began his career at Quinnipiac in 1990 as the Assistant Director of the Carl Hansen Student Center. In 1991, he relocated to Loyola University in Chicago where he became the Assistant Dean of students. Miller also attended the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston and worked for United Airlines as well.
Fortunately, Miller has returned and now remains at Quinnipiac University as the Director of the Carl Hansen Student Center, and he is doing a commendable job. His responsibilities include: maintaining the game room, commuter lounge, information center, and van shuttles. He is also an advisor for the campus fraternities and sororities; as well as, S.G.A, S.P.B, multicultural programs, alcohol and drug awareness programs, and various media groups.
Miller states, “I love Quinnipiac. It’s a wonderful place to ttend as a student and it’s a wonderful place to work.” He goes on to state that, “Quinnipiac University is the product of a vision. I am one of the fortunate people who gets to move that vision along.”
However, it takes more than influential faculty members such as Miller, to make the vision for Quinnipiac University become a reality. There are numerous student organizations and events that are existent for the inhabitants of the campus. Students have access to wonderful resources and services that will enable them not only to learn more about each other, but about themselves as well. Furthermore, the only way that changes and improvements will be made is if the students become involved in the society that surrounds them. Quinnipiac University is more than just a school. It is a society. Miller states, “We live in a community and people need to look after that community.” He wishes to thank the student body for their continued support and enthusiasm.
Who is Michael Miller?
September 7, 2001
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