I graduated from the newspaper club
Riley Millette wrote the first and third most viewed articles in the history of The Chronicle’s website.
April 26, 2022
Let’s start at the beginning of this theatrical storybook.
During my first year as sports editor in the fall of 2020, I worked under the guidance of former Editor-in-Chief Brendan O’Sullivan, one of my predecessors at the position. With the pandemic at full throttle, there was not a single sport being played at Quinnipiac. That made the job of The Quinnipiac Chronicle sports editor a challenge.
During that semester, a professor suggested cutting the sports section from three pages to two. I agreed with her without sounding too excited, and later brought it up to O’Sullivan. He immediately shot it down, saying I could handle it.
I facetiously pleaded with him to relieve me of that one ghastly page, half-joking because we were close friends and half-serious because I wanted a break. but he pushed me when I needed it.
Then there was the group hike we had at the end of the 2020-21 year. I don’t know what great navigator was in charge of that route that teetered us on the edge of a cliff, but I digress. We got ice cream afterwards and sat in a small grass patch making TikToks. What a great way to bookend the year that was.
The 2021-22 year was when the newspaper became really fun. I was much more comfortable in my role and I got closer with everyone I already knew, while meeting new members.
When former Managing Editor Toyloy Brown III, former Creative Director Connor Lawless and I went to Atlantic City for the MAAC Tournament in March, we worked our tails off from Monday to Friday. We had tons of fun covering the Quinnipiac basketball and esports teams, but once our job was done late Friday night, we stayed up into the wee hours of morning with my roommate and Noah Epstein talking about the teams.
We probably talked about basketball more that night than we did the entire rest of the trip.
Then there were the 7:30 a.m. wakeups to go to the media suite on Tuesday mornings with my roommate, best friend and former Editor-in-Chief Michael Sicoli. It was always too early in the morning for us to even speak to each other. When I sat down to write this, I thought I would tell the three or four memories that best stick out in my mind. There are some highlights, but that’s not how I remember my time at The Chronicle. I remember the routine. Every Tuesday was the same.
I would talk about the CDC’s Disease of the Week with former Managing Editor Emily Flamme. I would practice my golf swing with former Podcast Producer Brendan Samson. Then-News Editor Nicole McIsaac would hit me in the head with a piece of paper. Then-News Editor Melina Khan would tell me she’s stealing my job. Then-Associate Sports Editor Ethan Hurwitz would hit the griddy for no reason. Former Opinion Editor Xavier Cullen would make a reference to an obscure TikTok that only I knew.
And we’d do it all again at our eboard meeting on Wednesdays. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I owe special thanks to my great roommates and brothers for life: Sicoli, Samson and Cullen. They all changed this organization in more ways than they know.
To my co-editor Peter Piekarski, we were in the trenches and we made it out. Hurwitz and Levasseur, you’re in the trenches now. But I know they can handle it, just like O’Sullivan knew I could.
Now let’s play another game of Chronicle “Among Us”, it’s been too long.