Put yourself out there
April 27, 2021
I would be lying if I said that writing this send-off was the easiest article I have ever written for The Chronicle. This farewell took me a few tries as it is hard to put into just a few hundred words what this organization means to me.
I went to my first-ever Chronicle meeting the first week of my freshman year. I was that shy freshman that nervously sat in the back of School of Business room 123 (SB 123), a little intimidated by the knowledgeable older members. However, I knew at that meeting I wanted to join this organization, and I am so glad I did.

By no means am I proud of my first-ever Chronicle article (please do not look it up), but I quickly realized that The Chronicle was the place to grow as a reporter and a writer. During my staff writer days, I learned the basics of Associate Press (AP) style, how to properly interview someone and how to write a solid lede. The older members took me under their wings and taught me how to organize my articles and the process they go through when they edit. Safe to say, without The Chronicle, I would not be the journalist that I am today.
Over the years, The Chronicle became even more than just a Tuesday night club. I joined the editorial board (e-board) my sophomore year as the associate arts & life editor. Junior year, I was promoted to arts & life editor and then finally, senior year, I became one of the managing editors. My Tuesdays were no longer a normal day full of class and homework — they were known as “deadline days.” From morning until evening, I would spend my day in the media suite, editing articles and laying out the paper. Yes, they were long and tiring, but I wouldn’t change a thing about them.
Over the course of those long Tuesdays, I bonded with my fellow e-board members. We would crack jokes, rant about our days and, yes, talk journalism. I learned a lot from the three e-boards I have been a part of, and by the end of the first semester, they felt more like a second family than just my colleagues.
Saying goodbye to this organization is one of the hardest things that comes with graduating. It is hard to imagine that my Tuesdays will no longer be spent in the media suite, and when I see the new Chronicle edition on the newspaper racks, I will actually have to pick it up and read it to know what was printed.
To my mentors, thank you for teaching me the basics of journalism. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today. You helped me realize that it is OK to make mistakes and learn from them and that The Chronicle is the organization that will help you learn and grow.
To my fellow e-board members, thank you for giving me the most amazing three years. While Tuesdays are tough, the media suite was where some of my best college memories took place. Thank you for helping me become a better journalist, editor and colleague. Even though there was a lot of joking around, I learned so much from each and every one of you.
To the upcoming e-board, you guys are going to be incredible. Just remember that when the days get tough, student media is essential. You give the community a voice. Without you, some stories will never be told.
Lastly, to that shy freshman that sat in the back of SB 123, thank you for putting yourself out there. Without you, I would not be writing this farewell to an organization that has given me so much, and I would probably not be as passionate about my future profession. Thank you for putting yourself out of your comfort zone and joining The Quinnipiac Chronicle.