NBC’s, ‘The Voice’ (and America) have a race problem
A pattern of white finalists beating out finalists of color has emerged in recent years
December 16, 2020
“The Voice” crowned its 19th winner last night — 15-year-old Carter Rubin of Team Gwen. While the night was historic because Rubin became the youngest male to ever win the show, it was also predictable. Of the 19 “Voice” champions, Rubin is one of 15 white champions.
This would make sense if there were no finalists of color in the running. However, there were two finalists of color — Desz from Team Kelly and John Holiday from Team Legend. These two singers came in fourth and fifth respectively.

One could try to justify this by saying that Rubin was just more talented. I would accept that argument if it wasn’t the case that in Season 18, both the runner-up, third and fourth place Black finalists lost to a white singer. I would call both of these instances a fluke if not for the fact that in Season 17, the fourth place finalist was Black and in Season 15, both the third and fourth finalists were Black.
A person of color has not won “The Voice” since Chris Blue in Season 12. And Blue was the first person of color to win since Season 5 which aired in 2013.
What is going on?
First, it’s important to note who chooses the finalists. While leading up to the finale, the coaches on the show have a chance to save singers and decide who advances to the finale, ultimately, the viewers vote for the winner of “The Voice.” The viewers are able to cast votes on “The Voice” app and on the website. So while coaches are regularly picking singers of color to advance to the finale, time and time again, the voters are not sending them to victory.
One possible reason could be that on “The Voice,” there has been very rarely more than one coach of color at a time. For example, in Season 19 that just wrapped up, John Legend was the only coach of color. The other three were white. This was the same in all of the seasons except for about five seasons when combinations of Shakira, Jennifer Hudson, Usher and Pharell Williams lined up.
The lack of consistent coaches of color may have deterred some people of color from tuning into the show and voting for more diverse winners.
Another possibility is simply the loyalty of the country music viewers on the show. Blake Shelton, a country singer, is the only coach to be on the show for all 19 seasons, and he has won seven times — more than any other coach.
The show’s focus on country music, a genre which has ties to the antebellum south, may also deter Black viewers who yearn to listen to music that is a better representation of them.
Either way, I am deeply disappointed by this pattern of Americans electing white people as the winner of “The Voice.” The fact that only one woman of color has won “The Voice” in 19 seasons is very sad and scary. The fact that this happened in 2013 is even scarier. The last seven winners of the show have been white. This is just unreasonable given the number of people of color that made the finale.
Last night, I cast my vote for Holiday, the fifth place winner. Holiday is a professionally trained opera singer and voice teacher at a university, but he is not a textbook singer and doesn’t just stick to opera. He sang a breathtaking version of Beyoncé’s “Halo” for the finale show that should have motivated America to vote for him.
On top of Holiday being a Black man on the one Black coaches’ team, he is openly gay. Did that play a role in why he came in fifth — last of the finalists? I do not know. What I do know is that the American people that shy away from female presidents and have only elected one Black president despite our population being nearly 50% people of color are the same American people electing “The Voice” champion.
What is my recommendation? Since NBC can’t singlehandedly cure racism, if “The Voice” wants to diversify viewership and the winners, it needs to bring on a more diverse coaching staff. I love Shelton, but he’s been there forever. Let’s bring in Jimmie Allen, a young Black country singer who is breaking barriers in the genre. How about Lizzo? Megan Thee Stallion? There are a multitude of brilliant artists of color to choose from.
I am writing this article not because I have all the answers or because I think Rubin doesn’t have a great voice. He does.
I am writing this article because deep down I feel that the reason singers like Holiday lost has something more to do with their skin color than their singing voices. And that’s just not OK.
Bev • Apr 9, 2024 at 1:18 am
I agree with the writer. I understand about each of us having different taste, but The Voice, like most of the singing shows seem to always end up being a popularity contest. Not voice quality.
Ben • Apr 29, 2024 at 9:47 pm
I don’t know why black contestants still continue to go on the show for this reason. They need to go on American Idol
Red • Mar 4, 2024 at 9:32 pm
Cry me a river
CHAREN COTTEN • Feb 27, 2024 at 5:48 pm
Bill • Dec 13, 2023 at 2:50 am
I remember the 1st season of “The Voice”. I thought that it was cool that contestants would only be judged by their voice. Which, basically, they were until the vote was opened to viewers. Now, the show itself is not about their voice. It’s a popularity contest based on who the teen girls thought was cute, or the teen boys though y was hot, or older people picking their favorite genre like country, rock, etc. It stops being about the “Voice” when it comes.down to who is the best looking or what type of music they sing.
Season 3 was my favorite season (until the end) because I loved so many artists. My top 3 were Amanda Brown, Trevin Hunte, and Melanie Martinez. They had either the best voice, (Trevin), most unique voice, (Melanie) or rock Diva (Amanda). All 3 are POC but guess who won? The little blonde white girl, Cassidy Pope with her nasally boring country twang voice. She was only marginally talented and league’s beneath the other three vocally. I stopped watching “The Voice” after that.
Why? Was it because the people I liked didn’t win?
No! It’s because of the popularity contest crap by letting viewers vote. It is a flawed system. It becomes about the coach’s popularity as well as the contestants. It has never been about their “Voice”
Also, out of the 24 seasons to date, None of the Contestants have been anywhere near as successful as people on American Idol. Look at Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Holiday, Clay Aiken, Adam Lambert and a whole host of other artists who have amazing careers now. No one on the Voice gets very popular after their season. They certainly aren’t A list singers with numerous Grammy awards under their belt.
I don’t think that the Coaches or show creators are racist or homophobic, but it’s obvious the demographic watching the show is white, and they like Country and Rock over R&B, Hip Hop and Top 40 pop based on the winners each season. It might not be overt racism but it is certainly problematic for POC contestants!
Ronnie • Dec 12, 2023 at 10:44 pm
After looking at the voice another season and still see the same pattern again,I am confused. Why is there no African Americans winning. Is people of color not tuned in to the show? I am about to stop watching.
Charen Cotten • Dec 12, 2023 at 10:09 pm
I am so sick of the VOICE!! I stopped watching! The white country singers cannot out sing ANY BLACKS!! THIS IS A DAMN SHAME! All the black females out sang ALL those white females SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE!! YOU WHITE COUNTRY SINGERS GET YOUR OWN SHOW !! YOU WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS A SOULFUL BLACK SINGER!! AND MAC OUTSANG ALL THOSE WHITE MALES!! THIS HAS TO STOP!! THIS RACISM!!!
LoneBear • Dec 6, 2023 at 8:51 am
When you’re right; you’re right however; it won’t change America or the world! It’s spiritual warfare most don’t understand
Adrianne Gilbert • Dec 9, 2023 at 11:38 pm
You are definitely correct in saying it’s spiritual warfare at the core! and racists push it into every aspect of entertainment and LIFE!
Kim Mooney • May 22, 2023 at 8:27 pm
Way to try to ruin a great show with the ‘racism’ card. Maybe the people that win actually have the best voice. Wow! Thats a novel concept!
JG • Mar 21, 2023 at 10:47 pm
Why should “people of color tune into the show and vote for more diverse winners” as this article suggests? Shouldn’t they tune in and vote for the best singer? Such a racist/discriminatory statement.
Freedom Rings • Dec 12, 2023 at 9:52 pm
how when the only calling card for whites being in power is they have humped more than anyone else and not controlled their populations unlike the african where original man was found? Shouldn’t original man have a higher population? So even if blacks watch, how can they outnumber the white vote when blks make up 17% of population to oversexed, over populated whites who own 62% of the population? Make sense. We all know talent and blacks have constantly outshined the competition on the voice.
JG • Mar 21, 2023 at 10:37 pm
So in Season 23, every single black contestant that Chance the Rapper turned his chair for, picked him as their coach. 8 of his 10 team members are black. Doesn’t that suggest that the race problem on the Voice and society is equally prevalent among all races.
Tonij • Jan 1, 2024 at 6:23 am
Equally prevalent? What a novel idea. Problem, equality hasn’t been fully embraced in our country. White Americans have never bothered to understand how it is being a skin color that’s still stigmatized. Listen more and speak less.
Diana Musslewhite • Mar 17, 2023 at 3:39 am
Well Cam won, but I think John Legend had to give him up to Blake to win. It will be interesting to see what happens after Blake leaves.
Rich • Feb 24, 2023 at 11:53 pm
First season I’ve watched and definitely the last! Just proof that racism still exists even in mainstream!
Me • Feb 8, 2023 at 2:46 pm
Come on people, we all know that America LOVES to celebrate mediocreness, while ignoring greatness. Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me….
Dwight D Scott • Jan 30, 2023 at 11:57 am
Thank you for this article! Just seeing it now and actually stopped watching before the finale of the Voice last season when the debacle with the 8 finalists happened because it was too much for me. Honestly, do I think there is a race issue within the Voice? Absolutely. Do I think that will be solved in the near future? I hope so, but I’m not so sure. Looking at the numbers from the past few seasons… I wouldn’t be surprised if the Voice gets cancelled and viewership has been at about 1 million for a while which is pretty low even with season 21 which I thought made up a ton of ground with the actual diverse group of talent! Additionally, I would not be surprised at all if a lot of those fans come from a Blake Shelton fan base or the country community. I think my issue at heart is that the mantra of “The Voice” is inaccurate and not representative of the mainstream community. It’s not only about the voice but marketability if the production and coaches and America actually wants successful artists. This past season if I was going to select a winner I think Bodie or Omar make the most sense based on the finale 5. Bodie fits the vibe of what’s current and popular in the mainstream media and Omar kind of brings a fresh perspective of pop rock and also could do really well internationally in Latin American markets. Comparatively, personally country just isn’t that interesting to me, and taking a stroll down memory lane Bryce looks like I’d say 3 of the past country singers who were male and white. I think that’s at the heart what the Voice has lost. More diverse contestants are just more compelling to me because they bring new and fresh perspectives to the table that we haven’t already seen while I don’t really need to see another white male country singer win and then go on to sink into mediocrity and not put out any music. I think more than anything the younger generation wants to see themselves reflected in artists and shows like The Voice or American Idol aren’t successful at that so viewership is lost. I’m excited for a fresh change in coaches which will help spice things up but not sure I’ll be watching as I just don’t think the Voice has the broadband for enough POC individuals to tune in or be interested in a nothing show that doesn’t support them. Overall, I’m not sure if it’s better to try to fix something that’s been broken for a while or start fresh with a singing show that is going engage with all sorts of people instead of a small group that honestly based on relevancy isn’t all that relevant anymore to mainstream media.
tlc • Jan 12, 2023 at 8:55 pm
Amy Winehouse was the last great jazz singer, white but the last. Jazz just isn’t popular any more it has been replaced with Rap. And Country has taken over Pop. Music is like this it changes all the time. I would so love to see a black super great Jazz singer—find one.
Alease Bess • Dec 17, 2022 at 12:59 pm
Now they are even discriminating with who can post a comment. I have never posted a comment before. Yet when I gave my name and email address, they immediately responded that I had said that before and would not take my comment. Something is definitely not right at The Voice.
Alease Bess • Dec 17, 2022 at 12:54 pm
It is obvious to me that racism is an issue and I think Blake has a network of voters that he activates to secure the win. I like Blake and I like the show but despise the fact that they refuse to allow incredibly talented African American contestants to win. I start to get angry when semi-finals start because I know they will only allow lesser talented white country singers to win. I assuage my anger by telling myself that the much better African American singers were heard and exposed so someone will snatch them up and they will still benefit from their hard work on the show.
Matt Davis • Mar 7, 2023 at 9:16 am
Maybe it’s just that a majority of people that watch the show are country fans therefore majority of votes are gonna be for the country singers. Maybe that’s all that’s happening and these racist conspiracy theories are stupid
Vanessa Carle • Dec 14, 2022 at 3:17 pm
This year was the first year I have ever watched the Voice and before even seeing this article I said to my partner that the underlying racism that resonates through these “people’s vote” shows is the reason why I hate and avoid them. This season 22 saw some amazingly talented ethic singers, but because of their colour or the way they embraced their ethnicity – Parajita from Nepal consistently wore saris in her performances – they did not make the cut. In this very polarized era, it is not surprising to see people vote for the traditional White Male Christian Cowboy that meets their standards of an American Champion compared to the actual vocal talents of someone like Omar who perhaps “looks” like someone they stereotype in a negative light.
Debbie • Dec 14, 2022 at 12:00 pm
There are NUMEROUS people of color that have advanced through many seasons on The Voice. MAYBE, just MAYBE there are NOT as many people of color ACTUALLY WATCHING THE PROGRAM!!!! The person who wrote this article, and many people who commented here are the RACISTS!!! ALWAYS RACE-BAITING, and starting shit just because people don’t have the same opinion as you!!! And because of that, people are racist…..get over yourself already!!!
Rich • Feb 25, 2023 at 12:00 am
You’re obviously dense and in denial because you’ve never had to experience racism with your privileges!
Freedom Rings • Dec 12, 2023 at 10:00 pm
very dense as the previous poster wrote. What’s the population of blk vs whites? So even if every black person watched and voted, they would not be able to outvote 1/2 of the white population. But if we deal with a sample size 17% of audience blk and 63 % white, how could blacks change the outcome? This is blk person but at least pretend you are not trying to cover up the issue and use logic and mathematical reasoning.
Dennis • Dec 13, 2022 at 9:52 pm
The voice has changed over the years to be only a shadow of itself. To much info about the singers to dramatize the contestants. I watch the voice to hear new voices. The production has become more of the presentation than the contestants. It was suppose to be about the Voice!!! So I will not watch the finals, and Resist watching new seasons. Perhaps Blake see this and is bowing out for the future
Buddy • Mar 21, 2023 at 11:39 pm
They are stacking the deck this year. Should be called The Black Voice.
Dee • Dec 8, 2022 at 8:27 am
8 finalists. 50/50 POC/White. ALL POC in bottom four. Really? Obviously RACISM was involved. Kim Cruse can sing circles around any one of the four white finalists. But the record speaks for itself: 1 black female winner in 21 seasons, 3 POC winners in 21 seasons. The show needs to level the playing field so that all contestants are selected by their God given ability not the color of their skin.
Walt Freese • Dec 7, 2022 at 10:19 pm
Sure enough, in the current season, of the 8 semi-finalists, The Voice audience voted through 4 White contestants to the Finals. The 4 remaining contestants that needed to fight for the one remaining spot to be “saved” were all minorities, 2 Black contestants, 1 contestant of South Asian descent and one Latino. This despite the fact that two of the four judges are minorities – John Legend and Camila Cabello. If anyone needs proof that institutionalized racism remains a terrible problem in the USA, look no further than The Voice.
Sheryl Foley • Dec 7, 2022 at 5:26 pm
I’ve shared these thoughts for seasons/years of The Voice. As I sit here today watching this weeks recorded episodes I see that the four people singing for the last spot of the top five are all people of color. Season after season when it comes to America voting, the voting is leaving out amazing singers and instead choosing somebody white.
Our countries racism is showing.
I’m white, and I’m disgusted.
We, as a society, must do better.
JHK • Dec 7, 2022 at 11:24 am
Blake Shelton and cute white men and women prevail over POC. John Legend even alluded to that last night when Omar he said clearly had the “Voice”. All POC were virtually eliminate except for the save for Omar. I think Blake also needs to quit gloating about being the “GOAT” since white people have a systematic advantage throughout society. I watch it for the talent but usually at the end I am pretty disgusted with the outcome. I don’t know how John Legend can continue to coach with such a disadvantage.
CCW • Dec 7, 2022 at 2:22 pm
I couldn’t find how to comment so I’m just replying here. Totally agree. It’s like every year the actual best and most gifted singer never wins. Last night’s bottom 4 was crazy. There is not 1 finalist who can out sing any of the bottom 4 (with one possible exception for Camila’s artist). Every year I say it’s my last year watching because the best singer never wins. Because I love raw vocal talent and singing competition shows, I always come back and experience the same disappointment. Smh
Kathryn S O'Brien • Dec 7, 2022 at 12:01 am
I’m so tired of seeing voice contestants moving ahead because they are white. This behavior doesn’t serve anybody.
GT • Dec 6, 2022 at 9:55 pm
Tonight’s show proves The Voice doesn’t vote people of color through. The four best singers have to sing for their life because four white people went through who didn’t compare to the four people of color. If you aren’t white, you don’t have a chance to go through to the Finale. What a joke!! I may need to boycott The Voice.
Very disappointed
Jay • Dec 6, 2022 at 9:49 pm
Literally came upon this article as I watch the Semi-Final results tonight where of the 8 contestants, 4 white and 4 PoC, all 4 white contestants (including some who are arguably already further along than they should be) have moved on while literally all 4 PoC are in the bottom and now singing against each other for the last spot in the finale. It is shamefully blatant and absolutely cringe worthy. Literally any one of these 4 PoC can sing circles around the 4 contestants now in the finale, and I say this as someone that loves Bodie and see a future in mainstream music for him.
The results are so painfully racist, I’m literally googling “The Voice America votes racist” and found this article. I thank you for being brave enough to shed light on this – being a viewer for most seasons it’s a trend that has become more and more obvious with each season and it’s honestly becoming too gross to withstand. Which is unfortunate because the show is so enjoyable to watch while the coaches have control and then it just does a 180 as soon as “America” starts to vote. The Voice needs to overhaul the selection of artists and winner. I’ve had enough of America’s repetitive white choice. Let the coaches choose – at least up until the finale. That’s what we love to watch all season anyway. That way we can avoid this total white washed final group.
John Legend totally alluded to this tonight too, by the way: “if this is the Voice, and we’re actually voting based on ‘the voice’…”
And for reference, I am a white viewer. I have to imagine part of the problem at this point is that if I was PoC, I would have jumped off this ship YEARS ago – and would in no way subject myself to this blatant pattern over and over again. Which unfortunately just amplified the white country voters. I actually came back for this season after dropping off during Rubin’s season because the results were getting so skewed. And as much as I enjoy Blake’s humor and stability on the show, I’m relieved he won’t be back and hope the coaches and producers steer this show away from the mediocre white country singers going forward.
Really holding out hope that The Voice producers and creators are aware of how out of control this pattern is getting and figure out how to maintain the talent in their show to the end.
Christine Castillo • Dec 6, 2022 at 9:49 pm
This season there were at least 3 extremely talented singers. Kim Cruze, parajita bastola and Omar cardona . These were at the bottom fighting for a spot. The rest of the chosen were white! Doesn’t a singer of color ever win??? I’m through watching this show!
Deborah Johnson • Dec 6, 2022 at 9:38 pm
After all the best voices, which also happened to be brown were in the bottom singing for their lives, I deleted the app from my phone and decided I’m done watching this show. Thank you john for giving a voice to the problem. The name of the show is the VOICE. I stopped watching American idol for the same reason.
Dog lover • Dec 6, 2022 at 9:05 pm
Top four selected by vote are white. Bottom four are people of color.
Rain • Dec 6, 2022 at 8:57 pm
The pattern continues in 2022. Sad.
Janet • Dec 6, 2022 at 8:45 pm
Tonight we had 8 finalists and all the top four that were picked by America are white. Four wonderful contestants of color remain on the stage fighting for the one remaining spot in the finale. Something is not right about this picture.
Alphonzo • Dec 6, 2022 at 8:42 pm
I gave the voice the last chance, to prove my theory wrong, that its all rigged in favor of white folks.
Again racism in this country, rains supreme!
I’m gone for good.
Including the judges, you should be ashamed!
Janet Robash • Dec 6, 2022 at 8:34 pm
I’m done with The Voice. At this moment, the four remaining contestants are: two African Americans, one Hispanic, and one Nepalese. If this were really about TALENT, all of them should already be picked. Shame on NBC.
Arzella Simmons • Dec 5, 2022 at 9:25 pm
I just believe the show is “rigged” PERIOD!!!! I HAVE PREDICTED THE WINNERS based on the judges response and who they “influence’I guarantee Bodie will win..not because he’s better but because he’s blonde, on Blake’s team, and this is Blake’s last year on the Voice!!! 12/5/22!! MARK MY WORDS!!
Bodie • Dec 5, 2022 at 7:06 pm
More black coaches? Blacks are -3% of population and get 25% of coaches. Seems we need affirmative action here too!
Joe Neil Lowry • Dec 20, 2022 at 4:03 pm
3%? You mean 13%, and people of color make up about 50%. And the judges are not the problem. They move contestants along based on talent. It’s America that vote based on color. I believe the semi-finals and finals should be chosen by a group of 50 music producers and A&R from all genres of music. You would see a change in who wins. This year, Kim Cruse would have won hands down.
Destiny's fan • Sep 29, 2022 at 10:57 am
Now in 2022 in the last two weeks we had only 4 black girls who performed, (people will say they weren’t perfect, but many people who turned chairs were worst) two didn’t get chairs turned, one got montaged and one got aired, while 15 Caucasian girls are already on the show. I am just not sure if it is a racial thing or may be the show doesn’t highlights soulful singers that much.
Bruce Greer • Jun 28, 2022 at 1:07 pm
Let’s dig deeper folks. A lot of opinions on this topic! Less heat, more light, please! This is a great investigative journalism project to look at how racism affects (infects) The Voice. Is it possible to gather information beyond, or get around, whatever may be proprietary for The Voice as a corporate entity. Do contestants have to sign NDA’s? If so, how long is it in effect and why? Who will talk? Who won’t and why? Who’s up for some good investigative journalism? We need it!
(1) Look at the show’s production staff, the decisions they make about potential contestants BEFORE they are chosen to audition for the show and then for the blind auditions. Do they “balance” the show in advance (like college admissions staff) to ensure the representation of age, body type, gender identity, genre preference, group identity, personal narratives (the B-roll content), etc.
(2) Explore voice recognition analytics and ask how that affects a coach’s choice, if at all or to what extent.
(3) Quantify contestants over The Voice’s 21 seasons: how many were selected by what characteristics and categories; who makes it to the finals, who doesn’t; who wins and who doesn’t, etc. Why?
(4) Investigate why The Voice casts contestants that are seasoned professional singers, such as Season 21’s Wendy Moten (35 years at the highest levels of the music industry; many chances to advance her career already). How do far less experienced amateur contestants feel about that? Does that deny other contestants a spot in the Finale? Is it fair? (The group vs. individual contestant is another controversy, especially after a group won Season 21. Wasn’t a hot topic until they won! Racism accusations made their win doubly controversial.)
(5) What are the audience analytics? What is their target audience? Who’s watching? What are their genre preferences? Who votes? How does that affect streams and downloads on various platforms? How has all of this changed across 21 seasons?
(6) How is voting done? tallied? etc. What, if anything, is added to the vote (e.g., streams, downloads)? Do the producers and coaches weigh in on the vote AFTER the audience votes? Are winners pre-selected, or advantaged in some way to enhance their chances of winning? Why are the results not made public (beyond the crude bar charts for instant saves)?
(7) Do a deep multivariate analysis. Tease out the factors to take us beyond simplistic linear thinking: “A causes B, therefore…”. (a) What % of people vote for a contestant because of their coach? (b) What % of people vote for a contestant because of their genre? (c) What % people vote for a contestant because of their characteristics (body type, gender, ethnic/”racial”/national/cultural/language group identity? (d) What bias is there re: age, body type, “race”, gender, genre, etc.
There’s a fertile research opportunity here for students and professors in various fields. There are master’s theses lurking here. Lots of projects for bachelor-level students. Perhaps a seminar on race and pop culture could examine this. Quinnipiac has a reputable journalism program. The University is also a leader in political polling. The expertise is there. Go for it!! Tell us about what you’ve learned. Publish articles, perhaps an edited volume, do a podcast series, report about it in this paper, etc. Settle some arguments. Start others. Let the debate be robust and civil. Help us move beyond hunches and heated opinions. Enlighten us!
Sarah Jannes • Dec 7, 2022 at 1:27 am
You forgot the fact that possibly the coaches are politically polarizing and people wont vote for a John Legend contestant because he and his foul mouthed wife leave bad tastes in mouths. John Legend commented this year his own mother voted only for the people of color on his team and Justin Austin(african american) Gwens team. Racist much?
Mnguy • Apr 27, 2022 at 10:21 am
I enjoy watching the Voice but generally never vote, maybe I should. I don’t see a race problem, i root for the voice that moves me the most and partly who the coach is that I like the most. Since the audience picks the winners in the later rounds, you cant blame NBC. Create a new show if this format is not to your liking and stop wining. My favorites don’t usually win either.
Jake • Apr 3, 2022 at 12:57 am
More like if they are a person of color they pick the other person of color sorry not sorry
Venus • Mar 13, 2022 at 1:28 am
Thank you for writing this piece, and seemingly being the only person out there willing to write an article about what is incredibly apparent. It is obvious that most viewers and voters of this show are white, and it makes sense why almost every winner has been white, even up to this day. It is frustrating seeing all of these talented people of color not given a chance because of this twisted, racist reality. The white contestants are talented, don’t get me wrong, but it seems like the people of color, mostly black people, have to outdo themselves to even make themselves visible to the audience. Even the negative comments on here are visibly by angry white people who don’t like being called out for their racism and the racist truth of this country. I hope things can change with this show, but I can only foresee that happening if more people of color felt motivated to tune into this show to begin with.
Juanita • Jul 25, 2022 at 11:11 am
They should let coaches chose winner. They know all aspect of music and genre. People who vote, vote because their cute or race, popularity of coach. So I say coaches chose winner.
Syretha • Dec 13, 2023 at 9:21 am
Totally agree!
Patricia Harris • Dec 19, 2021 at 11:34 am
I have noticed that white contestants are winning over Black or Hispanic contestants. If The voice was to deversify the coaches, than I think Darius Rucker would make a great coach.
Margaret Euphemia Karrel • Dec 15, 2021 at 11:38 am
Hi from Canada.
This is 2021 and I was surprised and disappointed last night when 3 of the final artists that are African American were not in the top 2.
Clearly for me John Legend and his singer and contestant S were the obvious winners. They were sent to the back of the bus in 5th. Position. WHAT???
Blake Shelton had 2 very good finalists who were African American and they did not make it either into first place.
There is a problem alright and here is a suggestion to fix this once a d for all.
Let the audience vote and then let another team of professionals
Offer their opinions and WHY the obvious correct choice is…
I am suggesting the following professionals take the wheel.
1. Daryl Hall. Daryl Hall is the Musicians musician. He has what’s known in the business as Perfect Pitch and has won every music award out there. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame..Songwriters Hall of Fame..Hollywood Stars where his hand is in cement and the list goes on and on. Daryl Hall could care less about the color of anyone’s skin or if they are male or female or what their background is. He could care less.
His opinion would carry weight. He is highly educated and would technically be able to explain his reasonings. He is respected by the whole world in regards to music.
2. John Oates is very detail oriented and procedure oriented. Super talented and misses nothing! Highly educated and believe me could immediately point out strong points and weak. His opinion is important in any musical conversation. He is highly regarded.
3. Joe Bonamassa….Every one knows who Joe is and what a gifted musician and technician that he is.
4. Barbara Streisand and Dianna Ross. I don’t need to explain these ladies to anyone.
5. This panel of 5 can clearly make a qualified decision once the audience has voted in. I would make Daryl Hall head of this panel of 5 because he’s got the goods. Knows music inside out.
Thanks for listening.
syretha • Dec 13, 2023 at 9:25 am
I’m with you on this. The problem is that they are leaving it up to America. Plus too many people go home at the same time. That’s not fair. Why not just let fewer people in from the get-go?
Susan Caba • Dec 6, 2021 at 11:15 pm
I agree. This should be the year a Black singer wins–if not one of the outstanding women, then Paris. Only Josh comes close of the white contestants. And I am white.
Nic • Nov 30, 2021 at 7:56 pm
If you don’t believe racism exists, just read half of these comments…
Rick • Nov 23, 2021 at 7:49 pm
Just the comments from the racists on this comment board pretty much verifies the writer’s concerns.
J. Meyer • Nov 16, 2021 at 8:52 pm
I think Emily DiSalvo needs to stop trying to create problems where there are none. 14% of Americans are Black, and 21% of Voice winners are Black. Where is the problem?? Get a life, Emily!
Nic • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:46 pm
Nope. You are, much like the other racists in these comments, inaccurate. It’s clear you’re uneducated, so allow me to school you in why you’re wrong: the graphic with the numbers you are referencing clearly states “people of color” which is not limited to solely the black community. You’re trying to match that up with black census numbers, and in turn create a lie to appear right when anyone with a brain can tell you why you’re wrong. Non-White US Population = 42%+…Non-White Voice Winners = 21.1%. So it seems like you, J. Meyer, are the one that needs to get the life. While the people around you are finally starting to wake up and acknowledge the problems that have been growing for centuries, your refusal to see and accept them doesn’t make them not exist. You’re the problem. Please don’t procreate.
joseph • May 22, 2022 at 3:16 am
I'm Tired of This • Nov 11, 2021 at 12:06 am
What percentage of America is black?? What percentage of The Voice winners have been black? It appears the winners have been black twice as much as they are present in the population. You are right, the show appears to be racist IN FAVOR of black people.
Nic • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:37 pm
You’re tired of what, exactly? Society around you finally waking up and acknowledging racism? Also, your idiotic argument is completely inaccurate, invalid, and moronic…much like you. Over 42% of the US population are people of color, yet only 21.1% of the winners of this show have been people of color. So if you ever passed a math class you would be able to deduce that the winner ratio here is half…not double. It’s quite clear that obvious racists like you are the exact problem.
Letsgo Brandon • Nov 9, 2021 at 7:20 pm
How can I say shut the F up? The voice actively promotes minorities regardless of talent! Same with American idol! If you click a diversity box you will move forward. If you are gay, African American, Latino etc you will be promoted by the coaches/judges to keep America tuned in
Linda Ann Howard • Oct 12, 2021 at 7:26 pm
I think not enough black people watch this show to vote for the black singers and so that being said white people vote for white people. For me as a black woman the voice is about the voice the singer and that’s who I vote for whether it be black or white but of course everyone who watches the voice, doesn’t feel that way. As far as racism, I think Kelly always get rid of her black singers first. Does that make her racist? I have watched this show every season. She is the only one that I see gets rid of her black singers first.
Syretha Richardson • Dec 13, 2023 at 9:27 am
I agree with you regarding Kelly getting bid of black singers. Like you, I’ve watched every season and I’ve noticed that. She has had a few to make it far, but I just don’t get the feeling that she all that into them. Maybe it’s me?
Madi • Sep 27, 2021 at 8:54 pm
Almost every black contestant (unless blocked) chooses John Legend and he chooses the black contestants, rarely does he choose a white one, if at all. That’s not racist? Has it occurred to you that perhaps John Legend isn’t a great coach? Or that white people are phenomenal singers just as much and even more than some black singers? That everyone has different taste in voices, music, stage presence and other considerations? Do you realize it’s people like you who perpetuate racism? Just because the person YOU wanted to win didn’t, you’re going to pull the race card. In your opinion there can be no other reason for a white person to win and a black person to lose? STOP voicing your opinion when you’re trying to poison the mind of others. You should be ashamed.
Nic • Nov 30, 2021 at 7:55 pm
This is completely factually untrue. You’re a clear racist and it makes me sick to share the same air as you.
Tess • Mar 14, 2023 at 12:36 pm
Now stop lying on John He won the voice with a White girl and if he didn’t choose poc there probably wouldn’t have been any on there except for the one’s Kelly get and then gets rid of the first chance she gets.
Ray smith • Sep 23, 2021 at 5:51 am
I think this is one of the biggest problems with the country now a days. Well the runner ups are black in multiple seasons but a white person won so it must be rigged. This is one of those traps you see people like you set all the time when a contest doesn’t have 50% or more black winners. Well it must be racist right? You disregard everything else except for skin color. You disregard hard work, talents, wardrobe, song selection and many other factors but because you are upset there is more poc champions. Okay so what do you want done then? You and people like want to artificially get your out come you want 50% or more black winners so instead. To many country artists on the show? well get rid of Blake Shelton then. You are the division in our country you don’t want equal you want quotas. Stop injecting race into everything. Are you upset that so many other things are black dominated like the nfl,nba,rappers and many other thing? When you come out with and article saying how to fix those so that it is more equal for white people and other races then I with take you seriously. But I know you won’t you don’t want equality just privileges and forced out comes.
B • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:50 pm
I was going to reply to this comment but judging by the absurd amount of grammatical errors it seems to be written by a poorly educated 6 year old and I don’t want to offend a small unfortunate child.
Malcolm Buran • Sep 20, 2021 at 8:16 pm
It is disappointing to read an article that suggests that the voice is racist. I think you make some valid points, but you lose credibility immediately when you claim that it is due to racism. Every issue that doesn’t seem fair is not because of racism. People have played the racist card so often that it just doesn’t mean anything anymore. I think the vast majority of people that listen are probably country music’s fans because country music performers tend to do well. That is probably the reason plus several others that African-American performers don’t win more often. It is also true of white non-country performers. They don’t win as often as they probably should. Something to think about. Is it racist that 94% of African-Americans voted for President Obama? By your standard, we would say that that is racist. Can’t have it both ways. No one said anything about 94% of African-Americans voting for an African-American president. But win 56% of white Americans voted for Trump, there was an African-American leader on television that said it was a white lash. It is time to come together and stop this nonsense.
Kiki • Jul 8, 2022 at 2:34 pm
You do know what’s ridiculous about what you’re saying is the fact that voting was legally a privilege of whiteness until the passage of the voting & civil rights legislation of the mid 20th century? Blacks/people of color still face voting barriers . That’s why Obama’s candidacy was remarkable. That’s why Trumps was not—-it’s just White-lash.
Marcia Smith • May 25, 2021 at 8:11 pm
I forgot to mention one other thought. Do you ever notice that in the blinds, if it is a black contestant and John Legend turns around, 90% of the time that black contestsnt will choose John Legend. What’s up with that?
Marcia Smith • May 25, 2021 at 8:08 pm
There are talented people of all colors who do not win The Voice. I have been disappointed multiple times because the person I really liked did not advance. Never once did I think it was because of color. Only one person can win.
To really look at this you would have to work on percentages, which maybe i will do just for S&Gs.
I’m really tiring of the mindset that just because a person doesn’t win it’s because they’re a person of color. That is absolutely ridiculous. Lots of white people also do not advance on the show.
Is the NFL racist? What about the NBA? There are so few white players on those teams . Is that racist? Or do you hold that to a different standard? What about the leadership of the city of Chicago? In that City, the chief of police, the chief of the fire department, the mayor, and tons and tons of other leadership positions, including Alderman, are predominantly people of color. It is so racial focused there, that the Mayor won’t even take questions from white reporters. Do you look at that as racist? Are you concerned about that? Or do some high in that to make sense in your brain? I’m so sick of this rhetoric. We’re all here together. We all win. We all lose. Get over it.
B • Nov 30, 2021 at 10:12 pm
That’s the thing though Marcia…we’re not all here together. We don’t all win. The level of access and opportunity that is afforded to white people simply is not present in anywhere near the same levels to people of color. So maybe you should start getting on top of it instead of “getting over it”, or keep your trap shut about things you apparently know nothing of.
Rhoda • Sep 27, 2022 at 9:23 pm
I am a 60 year old white woman. For the most part, I like the men of color voices more so and extremely upset that some of these do not even get chosen by the judges. But as stated above in one comment, there have been men of color chosen in the top 4. Blake is an excellent coach who chooses the right songs. But I have been unhappy with some of the judges over the years. I don’t think the Voice appeals to those women /men of color voters and thus they don’t watch. It seems that there are too many country singers and a lot of country voters. Same thing happened with American Idol last year. The country white boy with guitar won as has happened many times. There were 2 other men of color (especially Jay Anthony) made it to the top 7, I think, but not top 4. I voted for him. He sang with Earth, Wind, Fire in the finale and clearly could be a part of that band, replacing the younger singer that died, just as Queen did. Again, too many country voters. American Idol Jennifer Hudson was in 7th place and went on to be big. I don’t see much of that with The Voice. Too many country voters, but I am not one of them.
Darius • May 25, 2021 at 12:51 am
If the voting on this show is not racially motivated it certainly seems so. It might demographic where older white folks prefer to hear country and also younger black voters do not tune in because it’s not hip-hop. Older black voters have become disalusioned due to disappointed….year after year. American Idol also seems to reflect bias. Above all, I Don’t think America should vote for the best singer/performers….let’s leave it to the judges and or recorder industry pros. America is too divided since 2912 (Obama years).
Craig • May 24, 2021 at 8:25 pm
Why is the racial majority of the U.S. winning a singing show the majority of the time shocker? It seems Americans want to find racism in everything.
Leanora Bing • May 24, 2021 at 7:34 pm
If a person of color does not win the voice 2021 I will no longer support this show. This years black male finalist are by far the best this show has ever had. If either doesn’t win, I know it’s no point in supporting this show. This will be my last season. I love you John, but I can’t take it.
roger Blosinski • Oct 18, 2021 at 8:56 pm
Hurry up and stop watching
Letsgobrandon • Nov 9, 2021 at 7:50 pm
Leonora is an idiot. Has a Biden flag in front yard and thinks AOC is what’s right for America. Won’t watch because a white person won? Now THAT is racist.
Nic • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:53 pm
Considering your guy lost the election I’d say you’re in the minority of Americans here buddy.
Janet Graige • May 18, 2021 at 9:00 pm
The facts are we live in a racist country where racism has thrived for those in power for centuries. Black artists, especially black women artists have to be 10 times better than a white male country singer to do well on a show like the Voice. I, too, think it is time to boycott & continue to support as we can the amazing talented women of color from this season. It is demographics of who watches the show and who loves Blake, so Blake should say something to the fans. I mean, it is time to tell the truth America. Maybe the coaches should all choose only black artists…during the knockouts or the place where they can choose, that would say something & I just might watch that one. It seems that is perhaps what John Legend has tried to do with his team, and maybe even Blake with Cam this year. We all cry for justice, on the Voice, at the ballot box, in the streets, the courts, the workplace. America makes me so, so tired. Maybe we need a genre based The Voice… Three women of color went home tonight, some of the most talented singers of the 9. Will America ever Be? I am saying goodnight to the Voice.
Letsgobrandon • Nov 9, 2021 at 7:52 pm
OMG! Does being so “woke” make you feel better among your friends? You.are.an.idiot.
CC CC • May 15, 2021 at 6:10 pm
I like all music. This show offer’s exposure. Whether you’re chosen or not, you get national attention. It’s plenty people win but are not relevant after they win. I’m a black woman. Take advantage of the experience. We all have talent. My friends used to make fun of me because Michael McDonald is one of my favorite artist when I was in my 20’s. I bought all his music and still play his music. Talent is not about color. I’m really sick of hearing color, color all the time. Everyone is not racist. I love people!!!
Anonymous • Apr 7, 2021 at 9:12 pm
How do you explain John Legend having a team that is ‘almost’ completely made up of people of color? One could fairly infer he is racist as he only wants people of color on his team.
B • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:54 pm
Are you seriously crying reverse-racism here? Please…read a book.
Syretha Richardson • Dec 13, 2023 at 9:41 am
The explanation is that people of color might chose John as their coach because he sings mostly R&B and they feel like they might have a better chance to win even though the change are that they won’t. And that is because of America doing the voting!
CHERYL GONZALEZ • Apr 6, 2021 at 10:05 pm
So now 2021 is obviously bias toward black contestants. It should not matter what nationality!!
Lorenzo Jugo • Mar 29, 2021 at 8:20 pm
I wonder why it’s always a competition between black music and white music. I would like yo see more latino music.
Lorenzo • Mar 29, 2021 at 8:17 pm
I wonder why it’s always a competion between black and white. I would like to see more latino genres.
Penny Campbell • Mar 25, 2021 at 12:37 am
Please… just stop. You are part of the problem. Is it also racist that just this season John Legend picked only one white person to be on his team. And don’t tell me about it being a blind audition… most people, especially, John Legend, can hear the singing inflections of a black person. Wow! Grab the remote. Change the channel!!!! Oh, by the way, I’m black.
John S. • Mar 22, 2021 at 9:00 pm
Can we stop trying to find racism under every rock? There is plenty of REAL racism. The Voice is a voter driven competition. Is it just this simple- the majority of the Voice viewers fit a certain demographic- country music- that they vote predictably for a county artist, and there is rarely a black country artist?
Is anyone really going to say that if Darius Rucker was on the Voice he wouldn’t win? If that happened- racism. Plain and simple. But instead, the artists who sing the genre that the majority of viewers of this show follow win, and it must be racism.
If you skinny jeans in a country town- you go out of business. Sell work jeans- you make money. That simple.
This is not racism people. Stop finding racism where it doesn’t exist. By doing so, you give people who want to say racism is not real a hall pass. If you want more black singers to win the Voice, find a way to increase the Black viewing audience who vote for a genre of music they favor, whatever that may be. Otherwise, country fans will vote for mostly white country artists. Until Darius Rucker decides to sing on the Voice, which would be amazing!
Madi • Mar 22, 2021 at 7:17 pm
Everyone has different taste. Just because the article’s author prefers a black singer doesn’t mean most of the voters thought he was the best. You can always think of reasons to justify why you feel something is racist, but that doesn’t make it so. STOP making everything about RACISM! There are PLENTY of white singers who are fantastic in their own right. Why should they lose because people want a black person to win? IS that any more right than racism? There are other shows you can watch.
Jessica McDonough • Mar 22, 2021 at 12:31 am
Why do we listen to your pathetic whining on it has to be because their black so it is a racist show. Maybe the public just do not like the blacks singers as much as you would like to believe. I am a white person who grew up in the oldies but goodies era. Every night I go to sleep listening to the the music channel (oldies but goodies). You talk about white favoritisms well let me tell you something that era I lived in we liked the black singers better but we did not look at them for their singing as to what color of skin they had. All this race card issues make me sick and for the way you are acting today I will not watch TV shows or your singing until you start acting with some dignity.
Seriously • Mar 9, 2021 at 9:01 pm
Seriously? People voted for who they thought was best just because your opinion doesn’t line up. I guess you think it was rigged to?
Susana Fernández • Mar 2, 2021 at 12:50 pm
The winner of the voice is chosen by the people watching the show so if you think that black people are being discriminated then don’t let them vote and have your own pane of judges
Also black people have the tendency of sounding the same and that is not likeable or commercially successful
That is my opinion
And also it is 2021 and I have noticed many more black singers now than ever, and if you are gay you make a point of saying it and you are appraised even more
Tired of the nonsense
Carol • Jan 9, 2021 at 2:48 pm
It’s really incredibly sad the kind of bias against black singers on this show. Nbc needs to do better. Black singers start off very well, most are even four chair turns and when they get to finale, they stumble, not because they are not good enough but because America feels for some reason they don’t deserve their vote. It’s sad and no longer funny, you can’t tell me the network doesn’t notice or isn’t aware of this bias. Imagine John Holiday coming in 5th place, that’s almost laughable. Season 18 was worse when neither Toneisha Harris or Thunderstorm Artis, two of the most talented singers lost to pastor Todd. C’mon America, you can do better if you really want to!
Tyrell Johnson • Jan 9, 2021 at 7:03 am
GCuring racism isn’t fixed by expecting special treatment. In my option as a black male this is the type of attitude that keeps racism alive. I know its shocking but maybe the white winners are genuinely just better singers!
Freedom Rings • Dec 12, 2023 at 10:05 pm
do you watch cause obviously they weren’t. and you aren’t black. you are a white male pretending to be. stop the antics and just admit racism is knocking out black super powers. And its not even to even the odds so that a black person doesn’t win every year, it’s lopsided to white singers.
Althea • Dec 26, 2020 at 8:01 pm
I’d like to add to what was said. The judges aren’t always keen on picking black artist that sing amazing. They are fully aware of the biases. They would much prefer picking an artist that is country over a black artist who can sing. I saw it play out this year there was a female artists who was black and could sing and she wasn’t picked by any of the judges (I think John legend was the only judge who still had a spot left on his team). I can’t remember her name but she was phenomenal. Shortly after that he chose a country singer who in my opinion was mediocre. The reality is these judges are getting paid millions for being on the show. The show is making millions from advertisement. I’m sure the judges get a bonus if they win. The ratings are good so why would they make any changes. The judges are widely popular. The only way things will change is if their are more black judges and artist, less country artist or if enough people voice their opinion about voting biases. I don’t know why they just don’t change the show to Voice Country And have another Voice competition where the judges are the face of RB and it’s racially mixed. As long as Americans remains divided and racists, great black artist don’t have a chance of winning. I think I’ll skip The Voice next year
Lauren Pyne • Dec 18, 2020 at 11:56 pm
I thought Desz was a lock to win. I was flabbergasted when she finished fourth! Not that Ian, Carter and Jim Ranger don’t have great voices but I anticipated a show named “The Voice” to have an audience who judged talent on singing ability alone. This clearly was not the case!
In whole-hearted agreement!
Roger Bruce • Dec 18, 2020 at 4:05 pm
I agree the voice is supposed to be about selecting the most talented singer. In my opinion the two most talented finalists were John Holliday and Dez. Rubin Carter in my opinion should not have even been a finalist as his talent level was average. Other more talented singers were eliminated. In addition his ability as a performer was not that impressive either. It irritated me to see him as a finalist. But Kelley Clarkson not advancing Heather Greene last year was more of the same. I would like to see Alicia Keyes instead of Gwen Stefano.
Michelle Courtney Berry • Dec 17, 2020 at 11:20 pm
Thank you.,
Michelle Berry • Dec 17, 2020 at 11:18 pm
Thank you.
John Thompson • Dec 17, 2020 at 11:09 am
I appreciate this post because it reflected my thoughts when watching the finale. I couldn’t believe John Holiday came in last. I would like to add a few thoughts:
The show’s problem seems first and foremost to be a ‘black’ problem. So many of the final contestants as you note have been black. There is a long history of African-American genres performed by black artists on this show, with these contestants having minimal success.
I don’t agree with your generalizing about ‘country’ music. I wouldn’t connect country music with the “Antebellum South.” Much of country music developed from Appalachian folk, which is a far cry from the uppity Antebellum culture of the plantation south. While the genre has become a way of connecting white people across the “New South” to a concept of southern heritage, I wouldn’t generalize and say the genre itself turns black people away from the show. Black people can enjoy whatever genre they want to, and many do enjoy country music. Many black artists have contributed to country music.
By the same token, these days plenty of white people listen to black music from diverse genres. The worry is that in addition to supporting country music above all else, these white viewers just do not want to vote for a black artist. I think it would take a black country artist to figure that out for sure though.
It is demoralizing to see black artists time and time again lose on this show. At least we know winning ‘The Voice’ isn’t the end-all be-all representation of someone’s artistry and merit. It seems like the show has accrued a certain demographic of viewer and I wouldn’t count on it getting better any time soon. Maybe hiring more black judges as you say would be a good step. If the show were to resist this because it doesn’t want to jeopardize losing the white demographic who views the show, that would be incredibly unfortunate. After all though, it is a business like any other mass television program.
Michelle Manfred • Dec 17, 2020 at 8:14 am
I was also disappointed by the season results. I really don’t think the child – Carter Rubin was even close to being the most talented person on the stage. I also think that the whole voting thing might be rigged. In the last episodes of the show, Carson Daly continued to say Gwen could win it with the youngest contestant almost as if he knew something in advance. And Gwen Stefani is NOT the most talented coach on the panel. Far from it with her monotone songs. She doesn’t even try to show her range making me think she is incapable. I think she is on the show because of her boyfriend Blake Shelton and because she is nice eye candy for the old men that watch the show. I will be boycotting the show until they make some changes.
Amanda Menendez • Dec 16, 2020 at 11:37 pm
Thank you for writing this article. I completely agree. I love the show and love the coaches but at the end of every season I feel this pit in my stomach about how racist America is…it’s blatant as the people of color that have made it to the finales are unbelievably talented stars. I believe that the coaches, Kelly, Gwen, John and Blake are all good humans but I think it’s time for them to step up and fight for the format to change. They have to see what’s happening season after season and they should no longer be implicit in reinforcing white-centrism. America shouldn’t get to vote to determine the winner. It’s that simple. And Desz and John, if you end up reading this, you two were an amazing gift to watch on the show this season. Your talent blew me away.
roda • Sep 27, 2022 at 9:38 pm
I am a 60 year old white woman and prefer most voices of men of color. Over the years, too many country singers are voted to win and perhaps that is because the majority of voters prefer country. However, in recent years more men and women of color are singing country and are just as good and need to be considered by voters as well as Nashville.