QU goes bananas
Instagram account takes Quinnipiac by tropical storm
February 25, 2020
When the great American artist, Gwen Stefani, sang, “this shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S,” she probably didn’t have Quinnipiac University in mind. However, her 2004 hit “Hollaback Girl” perfectly describes the school’s new social media sensation.
Over the past month, a certain social media account has been making a stir at Quinnipiac, bringing the student body and everyone’s favorite berry (yes, it is a berry) together in an unexpected manner. This tropical fruit cocktail is known on Instagram as @qu_bananas.
“We were first inspired to start this page when we were in the caf, and we noticed how many unique ways there are to eat a banana,” said an owner of the @qu_bananas page, who did not want to be identified.
Since it launched in January, @qu_bananas has posted 95 times and built a strong following of 835 followers as of Feb. 25. The page’s popularity surprised the account owners.
“We assumed there would be a handful of supporters who enjoyed our content, but we didn’t think our fan base would be as large as it is,” the owner said.
The account gets about five submissions a day. These are typically pictures of students eating bananas, most of them taken unannounced along with humorous staged images and more.
“We appreciate the creativity of all of our submissions, but our favorites are definitely the ones that look candid,” the owner said. “The original intention of this page was to capture student’s natural banana-eating habits.”
The page relies on Quinnipiac students to send pictures of their peers eating bananas. Students are encouraged to direct message the account to submit pictures for the growing page.
“I think it’s funny,” said Lucky Plath, a first-year finance major. “I like to see my friends on it, and it’s funny because you know, bananas.”

Often times, students are surprised when they see themselves on the page because a majority of the pictures are taken without the subjects’ knowledge. Callum Scott, a sophomore game design and development major, said he was shocked to see his image appear on the page.
“I didn’t expect to be on it at all,” Scott said. “My roommate Dan asked me if I wanted to eat a banana and I said sure. An hour later I was featured. It was a snipe and a half. No idea it was ever taken.”
Although Scott was surprised to see himself featured on @qu_bananas, he recognized that the page is all in good fun, and he has taken a liking to the account.
“I think (@qu_bananas) is hilarious,” Scott said. “Every day, I’m seeing more funny banana pictures. It’s almost a part of the Quinnipiac culture now.”
Most importantly, the page brightens the days of students and brings friends together through light-hearted teasing and conspiracies about who the mysterious owners of the page are. Bringing people together is the purpose of the page after all.
“We wanted to give the people the ability to laugh and joke with their friends and give back to the world what they have given us — bananas,” the owner said.