Any student leaving a vehicle here on campus during the Thanksgiving break must go to the Security Office and fill out a form.
Then a copy of that form is to be placed on the dashboard of the vehicle and the vehicle must be parked in the East end of the Commuter Lot down by the Athletic fields.
Then, on Sunday, November 30, those vehicles in the Commuter Lot must be moved to their assigned lot.
The University will be altering the Hamden and New Haven shuttle schedules this week to accommodate students travel plans.
The following changes to the Hamden and New Haven shuttle schedules.
Monday, November 17 through Wednesday, November 19 – Both the Hamden and New Haven shuttles will follow their normal Sunday through Thursday schedule.
Thursday, November 20 and Friday, November 21 – The Hamden Shuttle WILL NOT BE RUNNING. This shuttle will be used to make limited scheduled runs to the Connecticut Limo Terminal and the Bridgeport Ferry.
The Connecticut Limo runs bus service from New Haven to Bradley, Newark, and the two airports in New York.
Reservations are recommended for the Connecticut Limo service. The phone number is 800-472-5466.
The New Haven shuttle WILL BE EXPRESS SERVICE ONLY between the campus and Union Train Station in New Haven, running back and forth from campus to Union Station.
With no other stops it should take approximately 35 minutes. (Sunday through Thursday and Friday through Saturday schedules) to calculate approximate times the shuttle will be leaving campus given that 35-minute cycle.
Sunday, November 30 – The Hamden shuttle WILL NOT BE RUNNING.
This shuttle will be used to make limited, scheduled runs to the Bridgeport Ferry and to the Connecticut Limo terminal in New Haven.
The New Haven shuttle WILL RUN EXPRESS SERVICE between campus and Union Train Station.
Running back and forth from the campus to Union Station, with no other stops should take approximately 35 minutes.
The following are the times for the Connecticut Limo/Bridgeport Ferry Shuttle:
Thursday, Nov. 20 departs campus at 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., and 6 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 21 departs campus at 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., and 6 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 30 departs campus at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m.
Again, on November 20, 21, and 30 we would like the New Haven shuttle to run as an “express” back and forth between campus and Union Station.
There will be signs in the windows of both the Connecticut Limo/Bridgeport Ferry and Union Train Station shuttles to help you identify the appropriate vehicle.
Both of those shuttles will depart from the Commons Bridge.
Information for this insert was provided by Ron Colavolpe, Director of Transportation at Quinnipiac University.