Ciampanelli, Gustafson, Manzari campaign for vice president for student experience
Unlike other Student Government Association (SGA) positions, the vice president for student experience is a highly contested one.

Katrina Manzari hopes to increase discourse among the student body.
Nick Ciampanelli, Jeremy Gustafson and Katrina Manzari are the three SGA members that are competing for the position.
The responsibilities for the position include serving as chair for the Student Experience Committee, collecting and maintaining data of public opinions, assessing student needs, serving as a source for student organizations and creating membership development programs for other SGA members.
Ciampanelli, a sophomore economics and political science double major and a senator for the class of 2022, said he wants to expand on the components that make up student experience and has outlined his campaign into four objectives.
“I have four main policy goals, which are to foster a stronger Greek community with more interaction with the student population at large, promote more multicultural events, boost traditions and student spirit on campus and create more engagement between alumni and current students,” Ciampanelli said.
Ciampanelli divides his time with the SGA by also being heavily involved on campus in some organizations such as Students for Environmental Action, Turkish Student Association, the Title IX office and Quinnipiac’s orientation program.

Nick Ciampanelli has goals to increase campus culture and students’ involvement with alumni.
“I think that by being involved in various different organizations that touch on every single facet of the student experience will help me get a real good look and handle on everything for this position,” Ciampanelli said.
Gustafson is a sophomore economics and political science double major, the liberal arts senator and the chairman of the specialized representation cabinet. He said he is dedicated to continuing the work of previous members and plans to expand on their ideas.
“For the past couple of years, experience has focused almost primarily on diversity and inclusion,” Gustafson said. “While multiculturalism, identity and diversity are very important, that is not the only thing that encompasses the students’ experiences. I want to branch out a little bit by still having some things that have to do with diversity and inclusion, but I also want to focus on academics.”
Gustafson said he has focused on academics in previous positions for the SGA and is working toward creating new opportunities for students inside and out of the classroom.

Jeremy Gustafson aims to enrich academics and students’ opportunities on campus.
“I have been in the process of creating one new internship where it would be partnering up with the Quinnipiac Poll to allow students to get a more in depth view on how the polls are created,” Gustafson said. “I also have been working to create study abroad internship opportunities in foreign countries that allow students to implement their parliament.”
Manzari, a junior history major, is a current SGA senator for the class of 2021. She has been involved with SGA since her freshman year and said she believes her experiences have helped guide her through her years at Quinnipiac.
“I was on the student committee for the past year, and I have seen what the vice president of student experience has to do. I have worked very closely with the position before,” Manzari said. “I think my experience with SGA has really blossomed me into a leader.”
Manzari gears her candidacy toward reviving Quinnipiac Greek life, boosting student engagement outside of academic work and engaging students in dialogue. She said that it is important to see changes that reflect on what the students want and not just SGA goals.
“I think keeping the fire going and creating stronger bonds is definitely something that I am interested in doing for SGA,” Manzari said. “I want to continue doing the good work that we have already been doing.”
The three candidates continue to work on their campaigns before the official online election takes place on Tuesday, April 21. Students can virtually vote from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on DoYouQu.