The post office at the Rocky Top Student Center on the York Hill campus now allows students to receive small packages during out-of-business hours through a new system called the parcel locker pick up, according to Supervisor of Mail Operations Eduardo Martone.
Martone said the parcel locker pick up was implemented mainly because students who have classes at the North Haven campus aren’t able to pick up their packages during the office’s regular business hours.
Junior Olivia Hilton, who lives on York Hill, looks forward to taking advantage of the system.
“I often find myself trying to work in time in my schedule to come back to York from main campus to pick up my package,” Hilton said. “So having an option to pick them up after hours really easily would be great.”
Students have to make requests to pick up their packages after hours on MyQ. There are 20 lockers and they are given out on a first come, first serve basis, Martone said.
By selecting the “Campus Offices” tab on the MyQ homepage, then clicking “Mail Services Center” from the list, students can download the “Rocky Top Post Office Locker Request Form” and submit it to reserve a locker.

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The package must fit inside the locker for the request to be accepted. It cannot be wider than 13 inches or higher than 17 inches.
If the package does not fit those dimensions, the request will not be accepted and the student will be notified via email that he or she has to pick up his or her package at the post office during normal business hours.
If the package does fit those dimensions, the request will be accepted and students will be notified via email as well. When accepted, a metal key will be put in the student’s mailbox that will be labeled with the number of the corresponding parcel locker where their package will be put.
Once the key is put into the parcel locker, it cannot be taken out. The door will open once and will not close after that.
For security purposes, students must take out all of their possessions from the locker because it cannot be shut once it is opened.
Students have between 5 p.m. on the day their request was accepted until 11 a.m. the following day to pick up their package from the locker. If it is not picked up by 11 a.m., the package will be taken out of the locker and relogged into the post office to be picked up at another time.
This service is only offered at the Rocky Top post office, not the post office on Mount Carmel.
“We are not sure if this system will be implemented at the Mount Carmel campus at the moment,” Martone said.
Freshman Infinity Davis thinks the parcel locker system should be set up at the main campus post office.
“On both campuses, there are students who can’t make it to the post office for whatever reason,” Davis said. “Classes run the same times for everyone and people work, so it would be nice to have that after-hours option here too.”
Hilton has sympathy for both the students who have to wait in the long lines at the post office on main campus, as well as for the workers.
“The lines for the main campus package pick up get super crazy and I always feel bad for students standing in line,” she said. “Using this package pick up system might make the workers jobs easier, lines shorter and give students more time to put their package pick up in their schedule.”