Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) and Community Action Project (CAP) are teaming up with the American Red Cross for the eighth annual Quinnipiac University blood drive next Tuesday and Wednesday from 12-5 p.m. in Alumni Hall.
“I’m really excited about the blood drive this semester,” Danielle Barbarich, sophomore Communications major, said. “So far we’ve had a good sign up. It’s just so important that people come and sign up because everyone at this school is so fortunate and it’s so important that we try and help out people who aren’t as fortunate as us.”
In order to be eligible to give blood one must be 17 or older, weigh more than 110 pounds and be in good general health.
It is also important to eat a substantial meal prior to giving blood to ensure a high iron count.
Volunteers from both CAP and TKE will be giving out juice and snacks to help boost the energy of participants.
According to the groups, this time of year is especially difficult for the Red Cross since many of the area’s drives are cancelled due to inclement weather.
” For every pint of blood donated, three lives can be saved,” Barbarich. “Imagine how many lives can be saved if every spot was filled. We hope everyone who can, will make an appearance at the event.”
The members of TKE are also looking forward to the event.
“This is a big event for both us and CAP so we are very excited and hope to get a good turn out,” Junior Jesse Daunno, said. “In the past we have gotten as much as 164 usable pints in a two day span. We are hoping to come close to that number this semester.”
Sign-ups for the upcoming drive will be available in the student center from February 7 until February 19. Walk-ins are also welcome.